Social Services
Kahungunu Whanau Service
Nagati Kahungunu Ki Poneke Community Services, known as KWS, offer whanau and rangatahi support, social work and advocacy support, counselling, family violence programmes, Mana Tana and Mana Wahine programmes.
Awhina Wahine
Rape, sexual abuse counselling and support for Maori Women, Children and Whanau.
04 232 9817
Wellington Womens Refuge
Wellington Women’s Refuge provide support and advocacy for women and children who are experiencing domestic violence.
Maori Womens Refuge
Maori Womens Refuge provide support and advocacy for Maori women and children in the Wellington community who are experiencing domestic violence.
Alcohol Drug Helpline
Counselling, self-help groups, day and residential programmes, detox, relapse prevention, after-care and psycho-social therapies.
Takiri Mai te Ata Whanau Ora Collective
Tākiri Mai te Ata is a collective of seven health, education, justice and social service providers, in the Wellington, Porirua and the Hutt Valley regions that have been working together for 45 + years. The providers in the collective include: Kōkiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust; Kōkiri Marae Māori Womens Refuge; Mana Wāhine; Nāku Ēnei Tamariki; Tū Kōtahi Māori Asthma Trust; Wainuiomata Marae; and Whai Oranga o te Iwi Health & Dental Centre, who work together collectively to realise the aspirations of Whānau Ora.
- Assisting Māori to support and maintain their social and cultural wellbeing
- Identifying whānau needs and responding to them in the best way possible
- Strengthening the ability of whānau to support their own
- Recognising and utilising strengths within the whānau
- Facilitate, advocate and support with extended whānau and agencies on behalf of the whānau
Care NZ
Care NZ supports anyone concerned with their own or someone else’s us of alcohol or drugs. Care NZ offer counselling, outpatient programmes, recovery groups & youth services.
Presbyterian Family Works Central
Counselling, Family dispute resolution, family therapy, family violence safety support, New Settler Group, Parenting support and education, Social work, counselling for children, Girls programme, Youth mentoring, Professional Development workshops, Clinical Supervision for those working in social service sector. Aged Care and Retirement Villages
Catholic Social Services
Social Work, short term therapeutic interventions, prison chaplaincy, hospital chaplaincy, support for refugees resettlement, community advocacy and support for people going through loss and change.
Ministry of Social Development
The MSD work to provide: Employment, income support and superannuation services, funding to community service providers, student allowances and loans.
Wesley Community Action
Care for elders – Supported Independent Living, Elder Abuse Response Service & Aging Well Network
Community led initiatives – Good food at Wesley House in Cannons Creek, Good Cents: Helping people build financial stability & Wesley Community Action (Waitangirua)
Parenting and Families – Te Kakano/Family Start, Te Waka Kotahi/Foster Care, Real Talk, Strengthening Families, Counselling & Mana Whanau
Youth Initiatives – Te Waka Kotahi foster care, Te Whare Whakapakari (House of Strength, Nurture and Self Esteem), Youth mentoring & Social Worker in Schools
Wellington Region Fruit & Vegetable Co-op
Wesley Rata Village – Aging Well Network, Training courses to prepare young unemployed people for jobs, Rata playgroup, Community lunches, aft teas and activity groups & Naenae Nature Trust partnership
Society of Saint Vincent De Paul
- Food Bank
- Social Work
- Pregnancy Assistance
- Visitation – providing support, friendship and material assistance to people in prison, hospials, nursing homes, family homes, homeless and anyone experiencing loneliness.
- Vincentian Home – Rest home
- Vincentian Foundation – aims to improve the welfare of vulnerable seniors
- Altar reads – Manufacturing altar breads and providing employment to individuals with intellectual disabilities
Evolve Wellington Youth Service
Sexual Health, Mental Health, General Health, School Clinics, Counselling, Gender and Sexuality, Social Support, Parents’ Group
Aotearoa’s largest children’s charity, our strength is in the breadth and depth of support we offer. Whatever a child’s needs, we will strive to meet them. Our experience and expertise mean our services make a positive, long-lasting difference to children’s lives.
Salvation Army
OLA FIAFIA Community Support Services Wellington